Your Dog’s New Years Resolutions
Go on exciting weekly off-leash adventures
Make amazing canine friends they see each week
Get satisfying exercise that fulfills their needs
Challenge both mind and body with new learning
Let’s make 2025 amazing for your dog!
Give your fur kid the best dog adventures Portland has to offer
Discover how WPA’s Adventure Club benefits Wild Pups
Toby has developed a private resource-guide on WPA’s adventure locations. It took thousands of hours and lots of sweat to compile over the years, but the value is immeasurable. These locations and trail-systems, many of which are virtually only known and used by us, are where our packs can safely run, hike, swim and play, usually without seeing other people or dogs. While other companies go to dog parks or visit the same places day after day, WPA offers truly stimulating opportunities.
Our service is completely different than a regular dog walk, a dog daycare, or a visit to the local park. It’s also very different than other dog “adventure” companies. Our high energy Wild Pups require more miles, higher intensity, and a longer day to feel “dog tired.” We average between 8 and 15 dog miles per day for the Wilder Pack. Raven’s Pack goes 4-7. WPA uses GPS to ensure our client-dogs the best and safest experiences possible. The amount of activity your dog achieves with WPA will satisfy their physical, social, and emotional needs so that they are happier and more well-behaved at home.
Each dog is screened for compatibility and thoughtfully integrated into a long-term pack. The same group of friends adventure together each week, which allows dogs to develop important communication and socialization skills. As sentient, social beings, long-term friendships are important to dogs, something often overlooked in our society. To understand more about Toby’s philosophy on this, stay tuned to social media and blogs.
Toby Joy, the Owner of WPA, is the most experienced wilderness adventurer to lead dog packs in the PNW. Every Wild Pup works directly with her. They get to know each other extremely well, an intimacy necessary for the high level experiences offered by WPA. Read more about Toby, including her training, knowledge, and experience. WPA clients are long-term and regular, so that each dog can be understood deeply, as the individual they are. Toby seeks to hold each client, whether human or animal, with warmth and care.
Learner-Centered Dog Training™ is a philosophy and method that Toby developed. As a learner-centered experiential educator for humans previously, she believes that every successful leader must respect the unique and individual personality, needs, and motivations, of every learner. One must also read and respond to feedback throughout the interaction. In order to do this, a deep and intimate understanding of dog communication is needed. Read more about her philosophy. Every wild pup learns valuable skills impacting the human-animal connection and quality of life for all, on and off the trail. Do you want your dog not to run so far ahead on the trail? To return to you when called? To be confident navigating any type of terrain? To stay away from your feet or sports equipment? Wild Pups learn all of that and much more!
Humans aren’t the only sentient beings who affirm their own existence and seek ways to express their very being. Dogs too deserve a life they find meaningful and enjoyable.
Loving pet parents recognize what a gift dogs are. Knowing our dog is having a great day is as important to us as it is to them. WPA prioritizes compatible canine community, skill-building, the very best exercise, and lots of adventure! When a Wild Pup is accepted into a pack, they join a true canine community, led by one human, WPA’s Owner and Operator, Toby Joy Zelt. WPA is the trailblazer, creating the most epic dog adventures Portland has ever seen.
Club Members go on at least one adventure per week. WPA makes it easy to get your dog’s emotional, social, intellectual and physical needs met. On adventure, each Wild Pup expresses their wild side while exercising, socializing, and exploring in settings that are natural and free. WPA’s packs engage in a variety of unique activities including hiking, swimming next to a kayak, running with a dirt bike, and various snow sports in true wilderness locations. Wild Pup’s paws touch the sand, the snow, the mud, and the moss.
You won’t find another service offering anywhere near the incredible experience WPA does. In addition to adventures, qualifying Club Members also have access to Wild Pup Home Boarding and also Nomadic VanLifePup Road Trips.

Epic dog adventures in the Northwest’s wilderness locations and the most incredible client experience.
What is a Multi-Sport Adventure Club?
Running with Dirt Bike
Humans walk awfully slow, usually only 2 miles an hour! Dogs want to run, so our top of the line, super quiet, brand new electric dirt bike can match their needs, mile after mile! Portland dog adventures are leveling up!
Swimming with Kayak
Swimming is one of the very best activities for dogs. Toby paddles in a kayak while the pack follows. They take breaks every 5-10 minutes, based on the pack’s needs. Other water activities include snorkel swimming, tubing, and more!
…and so so much more!
Join Oregon's Premier Adventure Club for Dogs!
Less Stress
It’s stressful knowing your dog is home alone all day. Likewise, it’s hard to work from home while they nudge you or bark for attention. WPA makes your dog’s dreams come true and fulfills their needs, so you can focus on your to-do list.
More Smiles
Every week, families of Wild Pups look forward to beautiful photos of adventures on our professional photography website and keepsakes store. 4K videos are posted on YouTube and social media highlights all the fun we have. Parents love living vicariously through their dogs.
Peace of Mind
Physical and emotional health of dogs improve with weekly adventures and lead to better long term health outcomes.
Improved Relationship
Having a happy relationship with your dog impacts your daily life. Wild Pup Parents notice that their connection with their dog improves over time with participation in our program.

Why Choose WPA?
Owner and operator, Toby Joy Zelt, is the most experienced and knowledgeable adventure pack leader in the PNW. Your dog will work with her and not contractors.
WPA is the only multi-sport wilderness adventure club for dogs.
Behavioral and Skills Development Using WPA’s own Learner-Centered Dog Training Methods™. WPA builds conscious canine community, treats dogs as individuals, and loves them like extended family.
Unmatched Exercise
The amount of exercise we provide exceeds any found with other Portland dog adventure businesses.
Premium Services
Live vicariously through your dog’s weekly adventures. Enjoy seeing them swim, run, play, and explore the Pacific Northwest. Over 450 videos and counting!
Not only does WPA post daily photo albums on a professionally hosted website, but you can also download images, share them on social media, print keepsakes, albums, and wall art too!
We take the stress out of scheduling services, because all Club Members are scheduled and charged automatically.
We drive a new high roof AWD Ford Transit van with safety upgrades and excellent ventilation.
Get a video each adventure day explaining what your dog did and informing you of pertinent health and safety information.
Managing services is easy on our Client Portal app.
New Wild Pups are tracked via the best satellite GPS devices on earth. Clients may rent them too!

It’s adventure time
What’s a Day Like with WPA?
Wild Pups wake up excited on their weekly adventure day, because it’s their favorite day of the week! Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays we have our day-long pack adventures, and our pack’s participants are the same dogs each week. Wild Pups eat a hardy breakfast, go potty, and put on adventure harnesses. Early drop off at Toby’s home is available if needed. Pet parent’s meet the Wild Pup Adventure Van in a neighborhood Meeting Spot around 11 or 11:20am to drop off their dog.
Our Ford Transit takes the pack to our adventure location, anywhere from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours away, depending on our planned activities. The location planning is meticulous and detailed, based on seasonal factors related to safety, accessibility, and more. Wild Pups follow all adventure commands, from the time the pack leaves the van until they get back in, and learn through canine mentorship, a cohesive group energy, and Toby’s unique training techniques of Learner-Centered Dog Training™. Whether swimming with a kayak in the summer, running with the fat tire e-mountain bike in the winter, or any other activity the pack might enjoy, the dogs exercise and play hard, averaging 2.5-4 hours of adventure time and between 8 and 15 dog miles travelled. Toby records videos and takes photos throughout the day.
We return to the Meeting Spots at 5 or 5:20pm. In the evening, Pet Parents can view a photo album hosted on a professional website, which includes a video adventure summary. Billing and scheduling for Weekly Club Members happens automatically. Wild Pups are typically tired for 1-2 days after their adventure day and happy for the rest of the week.
New Wild Pup Process
1. Assessment & Parent Orientation
You schedule your appointment. We meet in person at a local, large, fenced, dog park where Toby can observe a new dog’s behavior and personality. Wild Pup is a social program where dogs become part of a pack of friends they see each and every week and an assessment in a social setting is vital.
We get to know each other and encourage you to tell us more about your dog.
You ask any questions you’d like.
Toby tells you about the Adventure Club, the policies and procedures.
Are motivated to stay with other dogs and people, are generally good at off leash recall, do not have a track record of running away when off leash.
Are capable of hiking or running for 7+ miles and are healthy and are in good physical condition. Can swim or learn to swim.
Get along with other dogs and do not harass or fight with others.
Feel comfortable riding in a vehicle with other dogs.
Are over 5 months old.
Are spayed or neutered or do not display anti-social behaviors if in tact.
Maintain updated vaccines and are routinely given flea and tick medication.
WPA does not accept dogs who:
Flat-faced breeds or other health concerns impacting our activities
Threaten the physical or emotional safety of humans or animals. Including threatening barking or running at strangers.
Aggressive tenancies towards other dogs or people
Have great fear or anxiety at any time or untreated/unmanaged anxiety disorders OR Unsafe or excessive barking, jumping, grabbing objects
If a dog is not yet fixed, we cannot work with a female in heat or a male who harasses other dogs
2. Client Portal Account
We send you a login to your account and you fill out your profile.
3. Your dog starts their most incredible life!
Club Membership begins or your dog’s enrollment in another program is set up. Toby will send you a PDF of the Client Handbook and/or you always have access to it in the portal. Sometimes dogs need to get on our waiting list.
Does your pup need to
improve on training first?
PupScouts Academy is here for you and them. Enroll your dog in the 3-month intensive training program so they learn all the vital Wild Pup skills.